Friday, November 29, 2019
Biometrics Voting System free essay sample
Biometrics is the term given to the use of biological traits or behavioral characteristics to identify an individual. The traits may be fingerprints, hand geometry, facial geometry, retina patterns, voice recognition, and handwriting recognition. In this paper we have used thumb impression for the purpose of voter identification or authentication. As the thumb impression of every individual is unique, it helps in maximizing the accuracy. A database is created containing the thumb impressions of all the voters in the constituency. Illegal votes and repetition of votes is checked for in this system. Hence if this system is employed the elections would be fair and free from rigging. Thanks to this system that conducting elections would no longer be a tedious and expensive job. DESIGN The design of the system consists of the following important parameters. 1. Scanning- using DSP Processor 2. Searching- based on the principle of GOOGLE SEARCH 3. Networking- all the election booths are connected in a network 4. We will write a custom essay sample on Biometrics Voting System or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Data transfer– using telephone lines.. The only pre-requisite for the use of this finger print scanner is a personal identification card. We hope that this system proves to be efficient and enables the people to be smarter in choosing their leaders. SUMMARY OF DESIGN The main aim in designing this product is to provide the concept of the personal identity for each individual. This is extended to a special case of electronic voting machine concept. The summary of the design can be briefly explained diagrammatically as follows. Fig-1. 1 : Block Diagram of Design As initially at time of distributing voting cards. At the time of voting, the option of the voter is taken along with the finger print. The finger print taken by the scanner is sent to the DSP chip through an in-built A/D converter. The processed image is transferred to hard disk with biasing of SDRAM. The option entered by the voter is transferred to chip through DEMUX and is stored in the memory. If the transferred image is matched with any of the records in the data base, then the interrupt is given by the HARD DISK to DSP chip. Then the option is considered in the count. After the acquisition of the count this is transmitted to the HOST computer or central server using telephone lines. As the count of each party is transmitted to the HOST from all the VOTING MACHINES present in the constituency, the HOST will add parallel count of particular party and makes the final count of each party in ascending order. The final count is transferred to the main HOST (head quarters) using either telephone lines or radio waves. DESCRIPTION OF THE VOTING MACHINE Fig:1. 2- Description of voting machine BLOCK DIAGRAM FOR THE WHOLE PROCESS IN BRIEF Fig:1. 3-Block diagram of the process. VOTING SYSTEM The detailed description of each and every internal unit in the VOTING SYSTEM is given below. It can be divided in to the following main categories. FINGER PRINT SCANNER The finger print scanner consists of the following parts: 1. FINGER PRINT SENSOR: This is used to scan the thumb impression. The data obtained from this is analog in nature. This is transferred to the A/D converter for further processing. 2. A/D CONVERTER: This is used to convert the analog data from the SENSOR into the digital data and transfer it to the processor. 3. FLASH ROM: This is for the storage of the data temporarily in the DSP processor. This will work until the data is transferred to the main memory of the HOST. 4. DSP CHIP: This is used to receive the data and process it. This is connected to the USB port for further transfer of the data. 5. USB PORT: The sole purpose of the USB port is to establish a communication link between the DSP processor and the MEMORY (DATABASE). Fig:2. 1-Scanning Process EXTRACTION OF THUMB IMPRESSION Fig:2. 2-Extraction of thumb impression The next step in the process is the extraction of the thumb impression from the memory. The features of the finger print are stored in the form of pixels. This is further sent for pattern matching where the finger print is then compared with the records in the database. If the pattern matches with any one of he records then the vote is accepted. If the feature doesn’t match with any one of the finger prints stored in the data base then the vote is rejected. Fig:2. 3- Storage of Database FEATURE EXTRACTION AND COMPARISON SCANNING AND PROCESSING The biometric sensor scans the image. This so scanned data is in the analog form. This is converted into digital form by using an A/D converter. Since the image is to be transferred quickly to the converter, it is interfaced in parallel with the DSP chip. The data received from the parallel in ports is further processed in the chip. Parallel interfacing is done to have a quick performance. TRANSFER OF PROCESSED DATA TO THE HARD DISK The data which is processed in the DSP chip (finger print) is transferred in parallel to the HARD DISK for searching process. The BIOS language of the HARD DISK is stored in SDRAM which is also interfaced in parallel with the chip. This helps the chip to transfer the image to the HARD DISK for further process. The image transferred to the HARD DISK is compared with that of the DATA BASE. The circuit connections for the process explained are as shown below. A DE-MULTIPLEXER is connected to the inputs in parallel to the chip. The option which is given is transferred to the chip in binary form. Fig:2. 4-DE-MUX used in the process. E. g. : 1. Party one, 2. Party two, 3. Party three, 4. Party four. Suppose if the option is two then the binary data transfer to the ports is 0010. DE-MULTIPLEXER is designed according to the number of parties present in the constituency. The transferred data is stored in a 16-bit register according to their option. After counting takes place the count of each party is transferred to the transmitter. A transmitter is interfaced serially to the DSP chip. The transmitter data is transferred through the telephone lines to the HOST. The counts of similar parties are added at the host and the data is transferred to the STATE HEAD QUARTERS (main HOST) to display the result of the particular constituency. VERIFICATION VERIFICATION OF VOTERS Fig:3. 1-Verification of Voters Here the identity of a person is checked whether he\she belongs to the particular constituency or not. The machine which takes the finger print of the person checks it with the data base already stored in it. If the finger print matches it will give access to the person to cast his vote and if it doesn’t match any of the finger prints stored in the data base then it will reject the voter. Thus his method will enable the members of that particular constituency only to vote. This can be taken as the first step to avoid rigging. To have a faster performance the searching technique is implemented on the basis of GOOGLE SEARCH. The process in the form of a flow chart is as given below. PROCESSING AND COUNTING Fig:3. 2-Counting Process. After the person gets the PROCEED symbol from the voting machine, there appears a screen on which all the parties names along with the symbols are present. The person should select any one of the party by giving the number allotted to that particular party as input through the keypad. After the option is selected the voter is prompted for a confirmation. In case the voter enters an invalid number, the screen reappears and he\she is prompted to cast the vote again. Then according to the option selected, the vote count of the particular party gets incremented by one. Finally, at the end of the day, the position of the parties in terms of the total votes cast can be known. A very simple flow chart for the above process is as shown below: REJECTION OF VOTER REPETITION Fig:3. 3-Rejection block diagram After we have emerged out with a solution to check voter’s identity in a constituency, our next task is to see that a particular person cannot vote more than once i. e. to avoid multiple votes. This task can be accomplished by simple software technique employed. It consists of two folders namely searched and unsearched. Initially the searched folder consists of no images. The thumb impression images of all the voters of a constituency will be present in the unsearched folder. As and when a vote is cast, the image of the particular voter gets transferred to the searched folder. The searched folder is programmed such that an image cannot be present more than once in this folder. So when a voter casts multiple votes the exception is generated and an alarm is raised and even the police can be informed about the identity of the intruder indulging in this illegal activity. This is shown in the block diagram given belowThe scanned vote is first checked with he acceptability of the voter as explained in the first flow chart. If the finger print is accessible then the data of the specified person is taken into account. The voter’s thumb impression is verified with the previously cast votes. If there is no match then the vote is accepted and the count is increased by one. If the vote matches with any of the previous votes then the vote is rejected and th e person’s identity is stored and it is given to the police for further enquiry. There is a flash ROM in which these details can be stored. NETWORK FORMATION OF THE NETWORK The voting machines present in a town are interlinked in the form of a highly secure LAN. This network is formed with the help of the telephone lines. All the data collected in the voting system is first stored in the voting machine itself. Then it is sent to the HOST which will be located at headquarters of the town. All the data is collected there and it is transferred to the main HOST. The purpose of saving the data in the voting machine at first is that even if there is loss of data by some means then it can be easily retrieved from the machine again. In this way all the things are bought into a network. Fig:4. 1-Formation of the network These hosts are again grouped into network through radio waves or again telephone lines. Host is a device which consists of a PROCESSOR and a RAM. It will accept the data from all the voting machines through telephone lines and it will store the data in RAM (count of all parties). Then it will add the count of similar parties and store the count in ascending or descending order and display the result whenever it is necessary. Thus all the voting machines in the state can be formed into a network. The network can make use of RADIO waves or TELEPHONE lines for the data transfer. CONCLUSION ADVANTAGES 1. The system is highly reliable and secure. 2. In the long run the maintenance cost is very less when compared to the present systems. 3. Illegal practices like rigging in elections can be checked for. 4. It is possible to get instantaneous results and with high accuracy. CONCLUSION Thus the advent of this biometric thumb impression voting system would enable hosting of fair elections in India. This will preclude the illegal practices like rigging. The citizens can be sure that they alone can choose their leaders, thus exercising their right in the democracy.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Beatles Break Up Essays - Counterculture Of The 1960s, Free Essays
Beatles Break Up Essays - Counterculture Of The 1960s, Free Essays Beatles Break Up Final paper; The Beatles Break-up The End of a Legend As they walked off the plane, thousands of people stood there to welcome them. They were screaming their names and singing their songs. Everyone had heard of them, they were the true meaning of rock and roll; they defined it. They were the biggest sensation since Elvis; they called themselves The Beatles. They had never expected to be the next sensation. No one ever expects to become a great legend in national or world history. It had taken them two years to establish the final four members, but once they joined together they were known around the world. Even though they were not the greatest guitarists, drummers, singers or musicians (Professor Joel Friedman, personal interview). As a whole they came together as a world champion team, like a finely tuned machine. But just as every dynasty has its finest hour they came to an end, just like any great thing. No one ever wanted or thought this miraculous band would ever cease to be. However, they did, but why is the question many people still ask today. They were four young men with a dream to play in a band. The members consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison. The band was created in nineteen sixty, but the group was not fully established until nineteen sixty-two. This is when the name British Invasion first started to take acclaim. They toured around the world performing everywhere. Not wanting to ever stop for a second because of the love they all had for music and because of how hard they had worked to finally achieve what all human beings want, success. They had about seven great years together, at least from what the world new, but soon things started to change. The group began to have difficulties within themselves. Internal conflict is what brings all great things to stop working like clockwork. The question is what was so bad that this extremely talented group had to break up? There is much controversy to why the group broke up. Many people believed different things, the problems varied; the problems ranged from drugs to personal differences among one another. The group gave many interviews and had many discussions to why they had broken up, but still there are debates. People now are starting to come to the conclusion, that there is not one specific reason to why the exceptional band ended. Could the Beatles just have not had anything left to do with their music? According to The Beatles, written by Allan Kozinn, the Beatles had given seven great years of music, but the whole group wanted different things. In a personal interview done with Professor Friedman, the possibilities were endless to why they ended. Lennon had begun recording a record with his wife and felt it was in his best interests to go solo. McCartney, one of the key writers for the band, began creating songs solo. The band no longer worked as a group to accomplish things; they would just come together as one when they needed to record. The band started to feel that it would just be better to go on their own paths and see where they would end. Many people say this reason could not be true because all of the Beatles songs say written by McCartney-Lennon. McCartney and Lennon would no longer try to create songs together, or try to put music to what they had written. It got to the point were the only reason the songs were McCartney-Lennon was because Lennon might give his opinion if McCartney needed help, not because he wanted to help him write (Friedman). According to the web site, on March 30, 2000,, Harrison had wanted more artistic freedom with his work, which was not possible. Harrison had become very interested in Indian music, culture and philosophy; he wanted to incorporate it into the Beatles music, but Lennon and McCartney would have no part of that. (Kozinn, 162). They believed that they were the two writers for the group, and did not want to incorporate Harrison's music into their band, therefore he felt as though he was being shunned
Friday, November 22, 2019
Reflective writing during nursing clinical placement Essay
Reflective writing during nursing clinical placement - Essay Example It was a night shift in accident and emergency section. I was assisting my mentor, the head nurse in A & E section. A teenager was brought in by the medical staff, he was slender and weak, partially in state of paranoia, and had stains of vomit on his shirt. The person, who brought in the teenager, told us that they have found this junkie from the suburbs of the city. He was caught by the police for using amphetamine in the public. My mentor told me that it was a test of nerves to look after drug abusers. Their states vary extensively, and it is important to determine that which drug has been used, and what was the most obvious mode of intake of that drug. She predicted that amphetamine was ingested orally by this patient, so we had to wash out out his stomach by using activated charcoal.The purpose of activated charcoal is to remove amphetamine from GI by vomiting (, 2014). Diazepam and Lorazepam are used to calm down the patient. To recover dehydration intravenous in jection of fluids may be used (Lewis, et al., 2013). Hyperthermia is controlled by using wet blankets and ice packs. Intravenous diazepam is administered during amphetamine overdose when seizures are present. For hypertension nitroglycerin and labetol is recommended . If the state of the patient is in danger, serotonin toxicity must be administered (, 2014). Drug addicts are hard to manage, it is not only their physiological state that needs to be considered, but their psychological state must also be taken into the account.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Market Analysis for TESCO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Market Analysis for TESCO - Essay Example That was exactly the case with Tesco having over 450,000 employees and over 3,200 stores today. A very humble beginning in 1919 when Jack Cohen began this journey gradually transformed the fortunes. Strong Government support: It was the state patronage which encouraged the promoters of Tesco to plan for future. Not many hurdles were created by the political class. In fact Tesco also kept the ruling class in good humor by taking politically correct steps from time to time. Minimal competition during those early days: Those were the golden days when Tesco came out with its first branded tea in 1924, not many competitors were around and terms like 'cut-throat competition' were not even introduced. Satisfied customer: Grabbing customer attention is not a big deal but retaining customer loyalty requires sound thinking at the top. A satisfied customer often takes pride in becoming a goodwill ambassador for the company. Tesco team says1, "Our core purpose is to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty." By all accounts it can be said that they are indeed working, quite successfully, towards that. Reigns in the hands of able management and shrewd strategists: It is said that 'Winners don't do different things, they do things differently'. This statement gives full credit to strategists of successful enterprises. Strategic decisions provide a direction in which the organisation is to move. Organisation's mission and objectives find a reflection of strategists. Tesco has a long term strategy for growth, based on four key parts: growth in the Core UK, to expand by growing internationally, to be as strong in non-food as in food and to follow customers into new retailing services. Committed workforce: Organisations are not passive components. They are live, full of activity and environment-responsive like living beings. With time organisations acquire a character and develop a typical personality and we tend to make an image of the employee depending on the organisation he/ she works for. This very personality of the organisation considerably influences the functions of organisation in the long run. Reasonably good industrial relations: Keeping the workforce in good humour by providing them with adequate benefits and considering them as an inseparable part of the organisation helps in resolving the disputes quickly. Good investor relations: This becomes all the more important when general public has a stake in any. After becoming Tesco PLC from Tesco Stores (Holdings) in 1983, Tesco became a public company and it has been sharing good amount of its profits with investors. Understanding the environment: Continuously monitoring the environment and following the leads is the key to a successful business. Continuously studying the different aspects of environment (social, political, legal, technological, etc) and taking corrective and adaptive steps accordingly helps in growing of an organisation. Tesco started computerised check-out counters as early as 1982 and this stride continued with opening of and its online operations. On the societal front Tesco states, "One of our most important values is to treat people how we would like to be treated."2 With this in mind Tesco makes a
Monday, November 18, 2019
Racial profiling in NJ and NY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Racial profiling in NJ and NY - Essay Example The allegations on racial profiling continue to provoke debate and partition among members of the communities. Many states have encountered more civil action lawsuits as a consequence of racial profiling allegations. This kind of proceedings is not only costly and time consuming but disruptive to the community and department it serves. Racial profiling is commonly defined as the use of race and used as the â€Å"only†basis for a stop. It is also the exercise of detaining a suspect according to a broad set of criteria which, casts suspicion on the complete class of people lacking of any personal suspicion of the specific person being stopped (Leach, 2001). Durlauf (2005, p 30-31) conducted an assessment on racial profiling and concluded that upon assessment by deontological arguments and/or welfarist, it was known that in traffic stops and searches, general case in support of racial profiling is very weak. The welfarist argument, that reduction of crime rates as far as racial profiling is concerned, has not been proven empirically; studies of race and guilt rates do not identify the prevention effects from the policies. The investigation will explore on the barriers to the citizen complaint system against racial profiling and its corresponding economic costs in Metropolitan Areas of New York and New Jersey. Furthermore, it should provide answers to the following questions: In October 2000 (Leach, 2004), Senator Gormley, announced that the review of racial profiling shall be conducted. The said Committees examined several issues like organizational and cultural issues confronting the Department of Law & Public Safety as well as the NJSP Part of this proposed reform is motivated by the fact, in which CAD or Computer Aided Dispatch System, the RMS or Records Management System as well as the MAPPS or Management Awareness Personnel Performance System (MAPPS) In addition, Durlauf (2001) stated that there is no good justification to believe
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Organ Donation Ethical Issues
Organ Donation Ethical Issues The need for the organ transplant is increasing in our sector of health care as more and more end stage diseases are being diagnosed. Organ transplantation may be a life-saving option, but they are not without their challenges and risks. The concept of organ transplantation is both miraculous and challenging at the same time. Whether a patient needs a new kidney, liver, heart, or lung, there are multiple issues that the patient and the family need to deal with. They involve decisions before the transplantation and medical issues postoperatively. An organ transplant bill that had been under study with the senate since 1992 was finally approved on 5 September 2007 as A Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Ordinance 2007 by the Government of Pakistan, and many illegal organ donation and transplantation centers were closed down and many senior doctors involved in the act were charged against it. The issue over here is much diversified and complex when we go into the details of the consequences of the act. Firstly, the question arises of what is right and what is permissible? Secondly, the right of making the laws for the right and wrong act is disputed and challenged by mankind, on the basis of his reasoning and self judgment. Moral Issues The organ transplantation has been long debated and addressed by many scholars from both religious and secular perspective. The major issues concerning the wide permissibility of the act are of bypassing the virtue ethics cardinal features: respect for autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence and justice. If we further categorize the ethical dilemmas we can address he organ transplant act under these broad types, which encompass their own challenges when it comes to making a sound and safe decision. These categories are: Transplant organ from a living person. Transplant of organ from a dead person Transplant from a fetus. If we were not being guided by the supreme law, which has been transedented on us, and let us believe, that man has the power of brains over all other logics and laws of nature. Then trying to find any solution for a given problem, or setting any rules to follow for any system to work would have been very difficult. In other words trying to find analogies for God grounded systems is beyond human competence and reasoning. Considering moral principles Considering the issue of organ donation and transplantation, the respect for autonomy is the right to choose for the decision making of certain biomedical ethical dilemma. It not just involves giving respect for the attitude, but also for the action to be performed. From pure secular ethics point, we can relate what Immanuel Kant had recognized from the concept of unconditional worth, stating that each individual has the capacity to determine his or her own moral destiny. To violate a persons autonomy is like treating that person merely as means, without regard to that persons own goals. Example if a person s dead and his organs are taken from his body without his previous advance directives of any such act, then, its again considered to be using that body as a means. But what if that organ was so precious in saving the life of a living person, who could have benefitted humanity if given a chance to live, e.g. a doctor or a well trained militant, etc. this shows the beneficence over the autonomy and serving the utilitarian ethical principle. If we consider the case of organ taken from a fetus, then again who is the ultimate supreme authority to give consent on behalf of that minor? What makes one decides the ruling of a certain act to be just for an individual? Then here comes the question of, who plays the role of the unquestionable evaluator and who among us is eligible to be devoid of all flaws in reasoning and decision making? Does the living donor has the ultimate right over his body or his relatives who have the right to decide the answer to this if another influential family member is the supposed recipient of the organ? A wife cannot take decision over her own medical issues without her husbands will and consent? A poor clan member of a certain tribe falls victim to the Jirga rulings. Similarly what happens to the war prisoners? The freedom fighters in occupied areas, who have been mutilated for organ trafficking? Who plays the role of just decision mak ing and for what principle? Is it justified that Greatest happiness Principle is fulfilled by the Utilitarian approach? Kantian approach, a duty to save human life? Egalitarian approach, to get equal benefit? Communitarian to serve the community benefits at the cost of ones own necessities and health. The questions remains open ended, if we try to rebut the argument with one ethical principle, then the other might get offended. Does virtue ethics answers every thing? Promoting Organ transplantation has three basic issues namely social, religious and political. The controversy still goes on whether to openly accept the permissibility of the act or to completely Bann it. Another important debate is on the issue of burial in case of cadaveric transplants. The question is of the sanctity of the deceased maintained at the time of burial if he is stripped off all his organs and a hollow coffin is buried instead; would any of us want such an end of life. Moreover some people are of the view that every individual holds the right to be buried as a whole and taking out his body organs (in cases when he hasnt left a clear will regarding the issue) despite in all good faith sounds unethical. These delicate and intricate details further complicate the allowance of this transplantation and organ donation act in full context in all diversities of cases. But the arguments strength depends upon careful analysis of each of the cases keeping in mind all kinds of ha rms and benefits ; be it physical, emotional or financial pertaining to the donor, recipient, and / or their families. Argumentative views regarding the retrieval of an organ from a cadaver as being a part of the corpse or not is also an aspect that cannot be overlooked. The controversial role of Advanced Directives has led to two main questions: 1. Does one have legal rights over ones body? 2. If that is the case, then what exactly is wrong with even selling something that belongs to me? Another view held by many individuals is that, so what it is just an organ? People can sell their organs, which is supposedly their ownership, to gain financial benefits for their families. This again holds the view of providing benefit to many, without doing harm(as the removal of organ is done under anesthesia). But doesnt this promotes the evil of organ trafficking which would harm many poor population and weaker ones in the society. This consequentionalist approach is again challenged here. The chain of this reaction would eventually affect many people, be it a good end or a bad. The principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence can be advanced in the context of different issues: like the expertise available, the disclosure of all the possible outcomes and complications of the procedure, for the donor and the recipient, both medical and financial. The support that would be needed by the family and the prognosis of such advanced procedures should be looked into detail to benefit the patient and do no harm to the donor and the family members. The professional may have an influential role on the decision making. The autonomy of the patient is usually surrogated by the financial and moral obligation of the social setup. There is a strong need for a system to keep a check on the medical problems of certain disease transmission through non screened donor organs, the use of unskilled surgeons in removing the organ, organ trafficking and selling, the actual financial damages of the post operative chemotherapy and potential need for the failure of the graft or re-transplantation, the actual life expectancy even after the transplant of individual case etc. Every states constitution differs in some aspect to their religious and cultural norms, example, what ever is permissible in Germany is not accepted in many Muslim states, so the need for a definite, supreme, sovereign law cannot be denied. Conclusion Finding the ultimate law which would be unchallengeable and flawless is yet to be defined by the human nature. The unlimited limits of transedental laws and reasoning begins, where my horizons of imagination and limited reasoning ends. The noble act of organ donation should be encouraged only in the limits drawn by the Shariah rulings of the contemporary times in view of its divines as an act of saving the humankind and helping those who are suffering. It should be given prime importance that these rulings certainly apply to variations of case selection as well.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Solving an Ethical Dilemma at Work Essay -- Business Ethics
Describe an ethical problem you have encountered or might encounter in your workplace. How would you approach the problem and reach a decision to solve it? Business ethics defines how a company integrates core values - such as honesty, trust, respect, and fairness - into its policies, practices, and decision-making. Business ethics also involves a company's compliance with legal standards and observance to internal rules and regulations. Business ethics is, in part, the attempt to think clearly and deeply about ethical issues in business and to arrive at conclusions that are supported by strongest possible arguments. Ethics is concerned with how a moral person should behave, whereas values are the inner judgments that determine how a person actually behaves. Ethical principles are the rules of conduct that derive from ethical values. For example, honesty is a value that governs behavior in the form of principles such as: tell the truth, don't deceive, don't cheat. In this way, values give rise to principles in the form of specific "dos" and "don'ts." In a business the ultimate goal is to achieve maximum profits. There are factors affecting at different levels of the business such as finance, technology, labor, and workflow in order to maintain excellence and growth of the company. In this paper, I want to demonstrate what ethical issues I faced working as a team leader for my company and how I approached the problem in order to solve it. How to make decisions and also to find solutions without disturbing the env... ... my integrity and minimized damage to my fellow member. Although I still question the correctness of not exposing his negligence, the decision I made allowed me to preserve the trust of my team. After the project was in action that member continued working and completed his work and I had no problems with his work in future. Trustworthiness, respect, honesty, responsibility, fairness, caring, are ethical values to guide our choices in order to make an ethical decision. The key to making effective decisions is to think about choices in terms of their ability to accomplish our most important goals. Reading the chapters have changed and affected in the way of my thinking . It has also helped me decide that the decision I took at my workplace was right. Solving an Ethical Dilemma at Work Essay -- Business Ethics Describe an ethical problem you have encountered or might encounter in your workplace. How would you approach the problem and reach a decision to solve it? Business ethics defines how a company integrates core values - such as honesty, trust, respect, and fairness - into its policies, practices, and decision-making. Business ethics also involves a company's compliance with legal standards and observance to internal rules and regulations. Business ethics is, in part, the attempt to think clearly and deeply about ethical issues in business and to arrive at conclusions that are supported by strongest possible arguments. Ethics is concerned with how a moral person should behave, whereas values are the inner judgments that determine how a person actually behaves. Ethical principles are the rules of conduct that derive from ethical values. For example, honesty is a value that governs behavior in the form of principles such as: tell the truth, don't deceive, don't cheat. In this way, values give rise to principles in the form of specific "dos" and "don'ts." In a business the ultimate goal is to achieve maximum profits. There are factors affecting at different levels of the business such as finance, technology, labor, and workflow in order to maintain excellence and growth of the company. In this paper, I want to demonstrate what ethical issues I faced working as a team leader for my company and how I approached the problem in order to solve it. How to make decisions and also to find solutions without disturbing the env... ... my integrity and minimized damage to my fellow member. Although I still question the correctness of not exposing his negligence, the decision I made allowed me to preserve the trust of my team. After the project was in action that member continued working and completed his work and I had no problems with his work in future. Trustworthiness, respect, honesty, responsibility, fairness, caring, are ethical values to guide our choices in order to make an ethical decision. The key to making effective decisions is to think about choices in terms of their ability to accomplish our most important goals. Reading the chapters have changed and affected in the way of my thinking . It has also helped me decide that the decision I took at my workplace was right.
Monday, November 11, 2019
In What Way Is Hamlet Relevant in Our World Today? Essay
In that question, the word Hamlet is not underlined because the play itself is not nearly as relevant as a whole as Hamlet the person is. The play is full of allusions, jokes, and implications that is difficult for a modern audience to pick up on and understand their significance to the overall work. After all, Shakespeare wrote this as a performance piece that was to help pay the bills as much as it was to be a work of art. This is in no way to suggest that Shakespeare was just trying to make a quick buck and did not say anything profound through his play. This is to merely clarify that exactly how the events happen and the minor details and nuances of their telling are less important than the character of Hamlet himself. Hamlet’s growth in his view and philosophy about life is the most significant aspect of this work. Hamlet is facing what any young person faces. True, not everyone loses his father via murder, has a mother that remarries his father’s murderer, murders their ex-girlfriend’s father shortly before she herself dies (commits suicide?), kills his girlfriend’s brother, and murders his stepfather as he dies of poisoned drink and blade both. In fact, those events in isolation aren’t particularly common, but to have even two or three in conjunction is more than unfortunate, and all of them to fall on a single young man is downright unfair to say the least. Even before he discovers his father’s death is murder by Claudius, he remarks, â€Å"How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable/Seem to me all the uses of this world!†, indicating how he already feels at a loss for what to do with himself. This is just after he’s been told he won’t be able to return to college as he’d planned to do. Young people today still have their future plans disrupted by tragedy; whether it is personal, such is the case with Hamlet, or financial in nature. As the play moves on, Hamlet meets the Ghost, Ophelia stops speaking with him, and his madness (?) begins. The scene Ophelia describes to Polonius in which Hamlet enters her sewing room disheveled, â€Å"And with a look so piteous in purport/As if he had been loosed out of hell/To speak of horrors,–he comes before me.†, is overlooked as only important to evidencing Hamlet’s madness. In fact, it is quite the contrary. This is a moment in which Hamlet, though saying nothing, portrays through his body language all the anguish he feels in his dilemma. At this point, he is aware of his options: Avenge his father’s death and face the consequences, or accept his lot in life and make the best of it with Ophelia, the woman he loves. To be torn between rocking the boat, sticking it to the Man, and risking everything, or just living on your knees as best you can is an agonizing and contemporary decision that people of any age, but especially young people face daily. Hamlet goes on to explore a far more morbid option, which sadly some teens choose. â€Å"To be, or not to be: that is the question:/Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer/The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,/Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,/And by opposing end them?†The suicide he muses about is twofold. There is the physical act of suicide, but also the suicide of a long, unsatisfying, unfulfilled life. This is the first time he voices it explicitly, but the theme has been building since his first remark on the unprofitability of this world. As with most youths, he comes to decide in favor of life, if for no more reason than the fear of an unknown, possibly worse, or worse, possibly nonexistent afterlife. The morbidity of Hamlet’s musing increase appropriately as he lounges about unrecognized as Ophelia’s grave is being dug. â€Å"Imperious Caesar, dead and turn’d to clay,/Might stop a hole to keep the wind away:/O, that that earth, which kept the world in awe,/Should patch a wall to expel the winter flaw!†The best of us are little more than dirt and a name after death. Whether it’s the scenery or all the death Hamlet is cognizant or even responsible for, he’s moved from his own mortality and fragility to the general statement about humankind. This sort of realization is still very much a part of maturing and growing as an imperfect person in an imperfect world today. The final stage in Hamlet’s philosophical growth is evidenced as complete by his remark to Horatio before his (supposedly sporting) duel with Laertes. â€Å"If it be now, ’tis not to come;/if it be not to come, it will be now;/if it be not now, yet it will come:/the readiness is all:/since no man has aught of what he leaves, what is’t to leave betimes?†This sort of Zen-like acceptance of what his life has meant and been up until this point, and the directions available to him allow him to prevail, even though he dies, in his mission to purge the Danish court of the rottenness (Claudius, whom his father is contrasted with) Marcellus mentions in Act One. In the end, Hamlet becomes his own man, and if descriptions of his father are anything to go by, a man of whom his father would be proud. He refuses to compromise with the appearances of his world and instead opts to face the hard realities. It costs him his life, but it also made his life worth living, down to when he drinks the rest of the poison so that Horatio will not. In doing so, he both implicitly and explicitly charges Horatio’s life with a purpose, â€Å"If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart/Absent thee from felicity awhile,/And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain,/To tell my story.†. Even though his life ended prematurely, he died fulfilled. Throughout the play, his comprehension of his world and his influence grows, and he makes an inspiring, albeit tragic, change for the better. Hamlet’s life, minus the woeful details, are a highly relevant portrayal of the philosophical growth of youths yesterday, today, and near certainly tomorrow.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Free Essays on POT
For many years, the United States government has prohibited drugs such as marijuana from sale in the marketplace. Yet, with prohibition, marijuana use has decreased only minimally. Because of prohibition, the media has publicized only the bad aspects of marijuana use. What many people do not realize are the many positive aspects of marijuana legalization, including new medical cures, cleaner and more efficient industry, and reduced marijuana usage. Marijuana, as most people commonly know it, is really a plant called hemp, or 'cannabis sativa'. There are other plants called hemp, but cannabis hemp is the most useful of these plants. 'Hemp' is any durable plant used since prehistory for many purposes. Cannabis is the most durable of the hemp plants, and it produces the toughest cloth, named 'canvass'. The cannabis plant also produces three other very important products that other plants do not (in usable form): seed, pulp, and medicine. To understand why hemp is illegal, it is necessar y that we take a look at the law prohibiting hemp today. The law that prohibits hemp is called the "Comprehensive Drug Abuse and Control Act of 1970". The Comprehensive Drug Abuse and Control Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-513) overhauled the nation's drug regulation apparatus. Title II of the law, known as the Controlled Substances Act, established criteria for determining which drugs should be controlled, mechanisms for reducing the availability of controlled drugs, and a structure of penalties for illegal distribution and possession of controlled drugs. Marijuana, hashish, and THC are listed in Schedule I, the most restrictive classification. We also have to understand the reasons why marijuana, the drug, became illegal. In fact, it helps to go back to the beginning of the century and talk about two other drugs, opium (the grandfather of heroin) and cocaine. Opium, a very addictive drug (but relatively harmless by today's standards) was once widely used b... Free Essays on POT Free Essays on POT For many years, the United States government has prohibited drugs such as marijuana from sale in the marketplace. Yet, with prohibition, marijuana use has decreased only minimally. Because of prohibition, the media has publicized only the bad aspects of marijuana use. What many people do not realize are the many positive aspects of marijuana legalization, including new medical cures, cleaner and more efficient industry, and reduced marijuana usage. Marijuana, as most people commonly know it, is really a plant called hemp, or 'cannabis sativa'. There are other plants called hemp, but cannabis hemp is the most useful of these plants. 'Hemp' is any durable plant used since prehistory for many purposes. Cannabis is the most durable of the hemp plants, and it produces the toughest cloth, named 'canvass'. The cannabis plant also produces three other very important products that other plants do not (in usable form): seed, pulp, and medicine. To understand why hemp is illegal, it is necessar y that we take a look at the law prohibiting hemp today. The law that prohibits hemp is called the "Comprehensive Drug Abuse and Control Act of 1970". The Comprehensive Drug Abuse and Control Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-513) overhauled the nation's drug regulation apparatus. Title II of the law, known as the Controlled Substances Act, established criteria for determining which drugs should be controlled, mechanisms for reducing the availability of controlled drugs, and a structure of penalties for illegal distribution and possession of controlled drugs. Marijuana, hashish, and THC are listed in Schedule I, the most restrictive classification. We also have to understand the reasons why marijuana, the drug, became illegal. In fact, it helps to go back to the beginning of the century and talk about two other drugs, opium (the grandfather of heroin) and cocaine. Opium, a very addictive drug (but relatively harmless by today's standards) was once widely used b...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Nurses Knowledge of Pressure Ulcer essays
Nurses Knowledge of Pressure Ulcer essays Nursing can include two basic levels of nursing education and responsibilities, a Licensed Practical Nurse or a Registered Nurse. In brief the clinical difference is minimal, but RNs take on a leadership role and are required as supervisors in most settings. Nursing responsibilities are self-evident as they are the main providers of bedside care for all patients, no matter the area of need. Some basic advantages of nursing is that is very rewarding, and fulfilling because people need help, which nurses can provide that care feel about themselves. Another great advantage is the income is very comfortable to live off of and support a family on. Overall, this field is extremely beneficial to everyone involved. Of course, the disadvantage of this field is a nurse shortage is at risk more often than usual. With these shortages, there are long hours and limited benefits for those who are nurses working through these hard times. Beyond the shortage of nurses, there is the issue of pre ssure ulcers, which nurses are not truly informed about. When nurses are informed of pressure ulcer, it is too late for prevention. Pressure sores, also called decubitus ulcers or bed sores, are a big problem in hospitals, nursing homes and patient homes. Pressure ulcers are areas where the skin has broken down. They can go very deep to the bone. Pressure ulcers can cause pain and very serious infections that can lead to death. Pressure ulcers make a hospital stay longer than it should be. They raise the costs of patient care. Most pressure ulcers result from the lack of mobility. Patients and residents who stay in the bed or a chair are at high risk for pressure ulcers. Nursing assistants and other healthcare workers can prevent them. We must prevent pressure ulcers with proper skin care, by looking at the patient and their skin, by giving our patients a good diet and a lot of fluids, by helping them walk, and by turning and positioning them ofte...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Case Analysis- Strategic Marketing Management Study
Analysis- Strategic Marketing Management - Case Study Example Therefore, Nintendo faces the challenge of overemphasizing on innovation per se while ignoring the needs of the mature audience that considers memory and storage capacity as important features of gaming hardware. Furthermore, customer lifestyle and trends are changing with majority of young audience switching to free-to-play versions of games on their smartphones. The report discusses the marketing and competitive environment with respect to Nintendo as well we its segmentation strategy and business strategy in the context or current dynamics. 1. Introduction Nintendo has gained the first-mover advantage in the interactive entertainment sector by providing both gaming devices and associated services since 1983. The Japanese manufacturer has evolved from its cult favorites â€Å"Super Mario†â€Å"Nintendo Game Cube†and â€Å"Nintendo 64†towards its more recent â€Å"Wii†and â€Å"Nintendo DS†(Kim, Lamont, Ogasawara, Park, & Takaoka, 2011). Altho ugh initially aimed at hard-core gamers, the company is aiming towards penetrating the market by appealing to more segments (including women and adults) and appealing to the mass market. It currently faces intense competition from Microsoft’s Xbox and Sony’s Play station. Furthermore, market trends are changing and the dynamics are clearly not the same as they were several years ago. The new generation of young customers is demanding free-to-play mobile games which are a major consideration for Nintendo in the revamping of its strategy. 2. Strategic vision/mission Nintendo’s vision and reflects its commitment to provide the â€Å"highest quality of products and support services†for customers by valuing customer feedback and encouraging teamwork amongst employees (Nintendo Games, 2013). The company’s strategy supports this commitment by providing gaming entertainment that is enjoyed by people of all ages (including women and adults). Keeping custom er feedback in mind and the trend of games of smartphones, the company is currently rethinking its strategy to broaden its target market and include non-gamers compared to hard-core console gamers. Hence, Nintendo is aiming at penetrating the market and rethinking its strategy keeping in view the current market trends of the youth generation moving towards free-to-play games on smartphones (Negishi, 2013). 3. Current marketing strategy Nintendo’s current marketing strategy revolves around its commitment to deliver superior customer service and quality of products. The new console â€Å"Wii†includes a three month warranty along with easy to use interface and free games (Nintendo, 2013). With this, Nintendo has revamped its traditional strategy by positioning the Wii as a universal product suitable for use by all ages and gender groups. The company has capitalized the brand equity associated with the Nintendo brand by retaining the â€Å"console†and innovating b y introducing entirely new product categories through its â€Å"motion sensor†technique (O’Gorman, 2008). 4. Target market and marketing strategy
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Ethnic Diversity of Counseling Clients Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethnic Diversity of Counseling Clients - Essay Example California has been one of the leading states of the United States of America in terms of diversified ethnicity. The state has wide range of population which includes major proportion of African – Americans, Hispanics and Asians along with the white populace. The need of counseling is observed more in to the lower strata of the society especially among those who have immigrated from the lesser developed nations. The fight for the survival often takes toll of those struggling minds. It is observed that they often need counseling because of drug over dose, alcoholism and other social curses that they become part of. In the broader perspective, the need of the counseling is felt in two ways namely voluntary counseling and that mandated by the judicial system. The voluntary counseling is such counseling, the need of which, the recipient himself can understand. On the other hand, the judicially mandated counseling is that which the court of law orders the recipient to receive (the treatment of counseling) as it deems fit. The diversifying need of the mental health treatment in the state of California is high among the Africans – Americans, Hispanics and Asians. A report of the year 2001 suggested that 16.3% of the entire population of the state needed mental health treatment which was a hopping figure of 4 million adults (Lund, 2005). Another important report in the mental health care segment, which is also directly related with counseling, depicts those more than 600,000 persons to receive health care treatments in the state of California itself in between 2004 to 2005 (Jew-Lochman, 2008). Mental counseling has been one of the fastest upcoming sectors in the health industry. It has been observed that almost every day the number of affected person increases. The requirement of well trained professionals is on the rise. The other important aspect of the counseling is that sometimes the client himself can feel the need of counseling while many
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