Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Muckraking and the Progressive Movement - 626 Words
Progressivism is a movement that occurred at the turn of the 20th century, up until World War I. The movement consisted of a wide variety of people and groups, all unified by the idea that a basic change in economic principle was required to remedy the ills of the Western world. While there was a wide divergence of adherents all referring to themselves as progressive, there were a number of unifying ideals that cemented them all to this ideal. As such, a journalistic ideal known as Muckraking created a media platform for promoting the ideas and ideals behind Progressivism. According to Faragher et al. (2009, p. 559), there were three attitudes and two sources of inspiration that bound Progressive thought to a central ideal. The first was a general negative sentiment over excess in terms of industrial capitalism and urban growth created by those in political and financial power. At the same time, there was also a basic optimism regarding the ability of ordinary citizens to effect the changes perceived as necessary for a better society in general. The second attitude was the view of society and economics from a viewpoint of cohesion rather than individualism. The ills suffered on both platforms, according to Progressivism, was the result of broken cohesion within society and between society and the economic basis that should sustain it. Finally, the third attitude was the need for citizens to do all they can to intervene for better circumstances and a better life forShow MoreRelatedProgessives and The Pure Food and Drug Act Essay862 Words  | 4 Pagesthe Progressive Era. During this time period, the American Political system changed its view on how America should be brought about. It provided a purification of the American government through direct democracy. 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Sinclair researched the conditions being fought against during the Progressive Era and painted a picture i n literary form for the ignorant readers. The consumerism that taped into the greed of industrialists is drawn out many times. This greed, in turn, drove down the American Standard of living in almost every aspect. With every corner of hope demolished, a path was laid out for all to follow, the Progressive solution to the world: Socialism. TheRead MoreEssay on The Progressive Movement878 Words  | 4 PagesThe Progressive Movement (ca. 1890s-1910s) Even more energetic a sphere of historical controversy than that over the Populists is the historians argument over the Progressive movement. The Progressives were a heterogeneous collection of reformers. Active chiefly in the nations cities and the urban mass media (and in the legislatures of such states as Wisconsin and New York), the Progressives carried out efforts to reform American society and governance on all fronts. 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Progressive activists at the time sought to eliminate government corruption, increase regulation in business practices, and address and resolve health issues in the work force. Journalists known as muckrakers were catalysts of change by informing the public about prominent issuesRead MoreEssay on American Imperialism1074 Words  | 5 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Since its inception, America as a nation has developed and progressed according to trends of change that collectively define an era. Like all other eras, the time period of 1875-1925 experienced growth, changes, movements, and new ideals. It is the way that these changes came about that defines this era. Americans started to push for changes in many arenas of life that were previously unchallenged. New experiences and opportunities were also presented to America thatRead MoreThe Progressive Era And Its Impact On American History1279 Words  | 6 PagesThe Progressive Era was a period of broad and varied movement which changed American values and life styles by having everlasting impact on American History. Most of the people during the progressive eras, lives changed through. During the Progressive Era Women wanted the right to vote and work outside their homes. Workers wanted better wages, hours, and safe condition while they are working. Coming with peop le who had race, which means all people wo were not white, they wanted a freedom, place toRead More Various Interpretations of the Progressive Era Essay2820 Words  | 12 Pagesâ€Å"What was the Progressive Movement?†[1] Historian Peter G. Filene presents this question in his article, â€Å"An Obituary for ‘The Progressive Movement’†, in order to introduce the reality that for decades scholars struggled to propose an answer to this question. They have and still do struggle because there are many ways to consider this question and qualify the Progressive Era: such as its definition, time frame, significant turning points and important people, goals, successes, and failures. GivenRead MoreEssay about The Progressive Era: Conflicting Viewpoints1651 Words  | 7 PagesThe Progressive Era: Conflicting Viewpoints Works Cited Missing Two people witnessing the same event can have very different views on it depending on their information and perspective. The presentation of history also changes depending on the resources and prior prejudices and personal views of the historian. Four historian’s interpretations on the Progressive Era and Progressivism were reviewed to determine whether their arguments and use of evidence were sound. Also, the particular known
Monday, December 23, 2019
Corporate Internal Policy Interference A Paramount...
Section III – Corporate Internal Policy Interference A paramount determinant of the MNCs direct influence over government policy is the subsystem of government policy development that includes the intense cooperation and competition between external and internal interest groups. This policy subsystem includes powerful structural industry groups that utilize economic power to create alliances in government and directly influence policy development (Eisner, p. 137, 2007). This subsystem is stable in compared to the fluctuating political sphere that includes election turnovers and intergovernmental competition. Moreover this subsystem works to safeguard the interests of the powerful groups who determine policy direction and ensure that their†¦show more content†¦Roberts, 2011). Powerful corporations are able to exert direct power over government policy making process to make public policy decisions more favorable to the industry represented, giving significantly greater power to large corporate lobby groups over environmental and public interest groups who lack the financial resources and political support necessary to direct government policy decisions (J. Roberts, 2011). Environmental regulation entails the change in behavior of relevant actors through the exercise of political power. This process encompasses a balance of power between the regulatory power and the external industry and corporate firms who are being regulated (J. Roberts, p.54, 2011). Government attempts at environmental regulation often directly conflict with corporate interests that are prioritized by conflicted governments despite their activities and practices directly contributing to the problems the environmental regulators are directed to combat (J. Roberts, p.54, 2011). Furthermore, analysis of multinational foreign direct investment (FDI) trends indicates that governments prioritizing policies favorable to the private corporate sector are more likely to receive greater foreign investment and capital from potential investors (N. Jensen, 2006). Subsequently, it is in the interest of political leaders
Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Difficulties Which International Students Face Free Essays
Introduction: This article is about the troubles which international pupils face, particularly for Asiatic pupils, including thought manners, larning attitudes and composing and showing manners. In malice of its publication day of the month, it is still helpful for us to understand the international students` state of affairs abroad. In the text, the writers argue all the issues are rooted in traditional civilization. We will write a custom essay sample on The Difficulties Which International Students Face or any similar topic only for you Order Now In general, the authors` statements are sensible, but to some specific instances their positions are no longer suited. The grounds involve the development of instruction within the approximative 20 old ages and their restrictions of ocular positions. In this paper, ratings about every chief thought are presented. About the state of affairss which the authors` thoughts are non suited, some suggestions are indicated. As for the applicable statements, more groundss are provided to endorse up. Background: In this twenty-four hours and age, rather a few of Asiatic pupils go abroad to analyze. However, there are some typical troubles they must get the better of because of their innate inclination. In Ballard and Clanchy`s research, the innate inclination wholly stem from oriental tradition, which is a typical point of view in the yesteryear. Some subsequent research taken by David Kember and Lyn Gow indicates that the issues result from the course of study and learning environment [ 1 ] . With the development of the instruction system in Asiatic states, the issues seem to be fade away during recent old ages. Asiatic international pupils become more and more familiar to western civilization, and they can get by with the assignment from their lector more swimmingly. This makes probes in past clip become unsuitable, so some updating studies are necessary to cover new state of affairss. Summary: The rubric of the article is â€Å"Cultural Variation: Troubles for Student Studying Abroad†. It is from a book named â€Å"Study Abroad: A Manual for Asian Students†written by Ballard and Clanchy ( 1984 ) . In this article, the writers argue three chief troubles that Asian international pupils face in their perusal procedure. Further, the writers suggest Asiatic pupils seting their perusal manner for successful survey abroad. The first chief thought in the text is about fluctuations of thought manners. As the writers say, different thought and acquisition intents lead to different consequences, which stem from changing civilizations. A peculiar illustration of a Nipponese pupil who adjusted his intent and adapted his essay construction to run into his lecturer`s demand is utilized to back up the chief point. The fluctuation in larning attitudes is argued as the 2nd chief thought. In the authors` sentiment, different educational traditions create different larning attitudes. Then different larning attacks, including generative, analytical and bad, are presented in peculiar instruction degrees, although they are non separated wholly. The writers quote three Asiatic students` words and depict an Indonesian postgraduate`s state of affairs to endorse up their chief thought. The other chief thought concerns differences in authorship and presenting manners. Five distinguishable authorship forms, including English, Romance, Russian, Semitic and Oriental forms, are described in the text ( Kaplan 66: 1-20 ) . As indicated, a typical illustration of a Thailand pupil whose thesis was crossed out by his Australian supervisor suggests that different authorship manners differ widely. As the authors` suggestions, a more analytical and critical acquisition attack is expected for Asiatic international pupils to win in their survey. Critique ( general ) : By and large talking, the three chief troubles pointed out in this article are sensible. Although this article was published in 1984, the jobs still exist in current international pupils. The influence stemming from traditional civilization is important, which can non be eliminated within about twenty old ages. The thought and authorship manners which are trained during their studying procedure unnoticeably, still act upon international pupils. Something different, nevertheless, has happened in these twenty old ages. Internationalization has been an unstoppable inclination, for which relationships between states has become more and more closed. In the tendency, instruction internationalisation is a representative 1. Compared with the state of affairs in 1984, much more pupils go abroad to analyze, particularly for pupils from developing states. With the figure of international pupils increasing, abroad analyzing is no longer cryptic or unachievable. Most pupils who are ready to travel abroad can acquire much utile information from cyberspace and relevant agents. As the consequence of this, pupils are comparative familiar to the instruction environment abroad. Additionally, they normally can acquire experiential cognition from forthgoers. Therefore, they are able to set themselves to the outlooks of alien universities more easy, In add-on, a series of linguistic communication trials and record scrutinies are developed to gua rantee that pupils who are admitted by foreign universities can last in another state. Critique ( specific ) : As the statement above, the chief thoughts argued in this article is still sensible at present, nevertheless, the state of affairs has changed. So to a certain extent, the descriptions in the text are no longer suited. As the authors` averment, the fluctuations in believing manners stemming from traditional civilizations, made the Nipponese pupil fail in his first twelvemonth. Sing the beginning of fluctuations, it must be true, but this illustration should be an utmost one. Normally, the believing manner of oriental pupils is suggestive. They ever make attempt to avoid measuring subjects straight. When they are sing a subject, they normally think over the influence of background foremost. With the debuts of western educational civilization, nevertheless, most pupils are likely to compare the positions and measure the subject, although they may depict the background at first. In Chinese secondary school, many assignments are to reason the chief thoughts of prepared texts and measure these chief thoughts from your ain point of view. Through preparation like this pupils obtain the capableness to measure the comparative virtues. So the description as the text presented, merely may go on in utmost inst ance. With the increasing of the acquaintance to western thought form, the similar extreme instance should be less likely to go on. About the different acquisition schemes mentioned in this article, the writers claim that it is needed to develop a more analytical and critical acquisition manner for many Asiatic pupils. It should be a credible recommendation at that minute. However, in today`s school, non merely universities or colleges, but besides secondary schools, it is paid attending to analysis ability. Basically, the instructors and lectors encourage pupils to inquire inquiries and believe more deeply. In this manner, pupils are required non merely to retrieve the cognition points, but besides to understand how the procedure is traveling. In add-on, many universities in China set up financess to back up undergraduates to take experiments. Then, pupils who want to make some research in peculiar Fieldss are encouraged to use them. In this manner, students` bad capablenesss are cultivated. Furthermore, harmonizing to relevant research, there is no important difference between Australian and Asiatic pupils [ 2 ] . As reported, Asiatic pupils are non rote scholars. In other words, the generative acquisition scheme is non directed towards Asiatic pupils. Then, for Australian pupils, the best manner to larn is besides to retrieve and understand by bosom. For these grounds, the authors` averments about these three acquisition attacks are non in conformity with facts and suited to the development of instruction. Refering authorship manners, the writers cite Robert Kaplan`s theory to explicate the changing authorship manners successfully. For oriental authors, explicating the issue straight is a blunt manner which lacks of ideations. In their positions, a better manner to show their thoughts is to depict the background and the influence factors as deductions. The terminal consequences should be obtained by readers themselves. As the writers suggest, this indirect authorship attack is non suited to academic thesis in Australian universities. In western scholars` positions, the â€Å"relevant descriptions†are non relevant at all. It is a existent difference between western and eastern authorship accomplishments, while it is unneeded to discourse which 1 is more advanced. Expect from the fluctuations between different civilizations, the differences between each academic subject are besides mentioned in the text. In this twenty-four hours and age, more and more interdisciplines are develo ped, for which flexible authorship manners are required. Additionally, as a comparatively nonsubjective authorship manner, scientific discipline and technology articles should be paid more attending to pull readers. Decisions: In this paper, in connexion with every chief point mentioned in the original article, ratings are provided. By and large talking, the authors` chief thoughts are still applicable at present phase, although in this article there are some inside informations should be changed to accommodate modern instruction. When the writers are comparing with Asiatic students` plants and Australian lectures` outlooks, utmost illustrations are cited. This is the biggest failing, because it ignores the general position. Deductions of this article are that pupil who study abroad should larn how to set himself to the demand. Mentions: David Kember, Lyn Gow: A Challenge to Anecdotal Stereotype of the Asiatic Student, 1991. F. Sushila Niles: Cultural Differences in Learning Motivation and Learning Schemes: A Comparison of Overseas and Australian Students at an Australian University, 1995. How to cite The Difficulties Which International Students Face, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Supply Chain Management for TGA and Alpha-Pharma- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theSupply Chain Management for TGA and Alpha-Pharma. Answer: Introduction In this assignment, we are going to discuss an article written by "Andrew Brown" on the date 12th March 2018. The newspaper in which this article published is "THE AGE" Australia(Brown, 2018). In his article, the author has discussed the shortage of EpiPen, a treatment tool used for treating anaphylactic reaction(Estenson, 2016). By discussing this article we will also discuss the scope of supply chain management in this article. Supply chain management can be defined as the management of ensuring, that all the goods and services manufactured by a business organization are produced effectively and are supplied from the point of manufacturing to the point of consumption. Creating and managing a sound supply infrastructure is the most important principle of a sound supply chain management(Chopra, 2014). Critical Analysis The article is about the shortage of a medical tool that is currently facing a shortage in Canberra. The author has discussed the topic with exerting no great importance on the dire consequences of the shortage of the EpiPen. The article only consists of the information regarding the shortage of a medical tool that helps the allergic patient to save their lives and what they should do in order to cope up with the shortage. Nowhere in this article, the writer has mentioned or described the incompetency of the TGA and Alpha-Pharma. Anaphylactic is a kind of reaction that can even put a life in danger. The article has nowhere shows any concern on how the shortage can be dealt. Rather the article suggests the users of the EpiPen to save it out only for a very big emergency, and in case they do not have a valid EpiPen, then they should use the out of stock EpiPen injections. Is that what an article aims at? The article clearly aims at guiding the people to prepare for the worst conditions rather than telling them how they can effectively come out of the danger of the anaphylactic reactions and how the supply can be dealt in order to, supply the medical injections to every patient out there(Grimm, 2013). This article clearly shows the poor chain supply management of the TherapeuticGoods Administration and Australian supplier Alpha-pharm. Now if we talk about the strengths or the weaknesses of the chain supply management of the Therapeutic Goods Administration then, it wont be wrong to say that the following article does not show any strengths, rather it only shows the weaknesses of the "Therapeutic Goods Administration" of Canberra and these weaknesses are discussed below(DIACONU, 2014): The very first weakness is the poor chain supply management that has led the situation to even worse. The second weakness is the no control over the stockpiling of the EpiPen. The major weakness and a great reason for this situation are not allowing any other pharmaceutical company to sell the injections. Another weakness and the reason of upsurge of this situation are not to find out the main cause that is creating the shortage problem of the EpiPen injection. How This Situation Can be Handled This situation can be handled through effective supply chain management. The only reason, why Canberra is facing such a shortage issue is because of the absence of an effective chain supply management. Supply chain management is the management of ensuring that the products are effectively produced and are supplied to the endpoint i.e. consumption. The prime objective of a well-maintained supply chain management is to assist and optimize the stream of goods and services, information, and capital to the organization, allowing an organization to earn better and to create best(Hugos, 2013). Now by using effective supply chain management the Therapeutic Good Administration can eliminate the shortage of EpiPen injections from its core, following are the points that TGA and Alpha-Pharm must follow(Myerson, 2015): TGA and Alpha-Pharm should outsource a number of activities namely; procuring raw material, handling distribution channels etc to other firms and should focus on core competencies. This will not only reduce their workload but will also prove out to be cost-efficient. TGA and Alpha-Pharm must look into the delivery issues of the EpiPen, in the newspaper article, Ms. Callaghan is saying that the sellers of EpiPen are from last few months are promising about the timely supply of the injection but they are not able to fulfill those promises. Rather than manufacturing on the orders, TGA and Alpha-Pharm must have full inventories every time in order to meet the emergency and normal demand of the EpiPen. TGA must allow other organizations to sell such injections. Alpha-Pharm should recreate all its distribution network to ensure that all the future supplies don't get delayed and all the customers get EpiPen on demand. Conclusion After reading and understanding this article, a detailed and a brief conclusion has been written over here. This article shows all the loose points of TGA and Alpha-Pharm; these two organizations are not properly handling the supply chain management of a product called Epi-Pen that is the main reason why they are facing such a huge shortage of the product. In addition to this, the article does not exert on the shortage rather it is suggesting the users to hold on the injections for an only emergency period. An article or news must aim at enlightening people and tell them the right things to do, this article is suggesting the patients hold on to the Epi-Pen for the emergencies only and not to waste it as the state is facing a huge shortage. Rather than suggesting this, the writer should have suggested some ways to the TGA and Alpha-Pharm to put an end to this shortage issue. This entire problem can be solved, with an effective supply chain management. Bibliography Brown, A. (2018, March 11). THE AGE. Retrieved March 5th, 2018, from Theage.com Australia : https://www.theage.com.au/national/act/epipen-shortage-hits-canberra-allergy-patients-20180309-h0x996.html Chopra, S. (2014). Supply Chain Management (Startegy, Planning and Operation). New Delhi: Pearson. DIACONU, D.-M. (2014). STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF CURRENT SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT , 15. Estenson, J. G. (2016). Anaphylaxis . Melbourne: RFG publishers. Grimm, C. (2013). Supply Chain Management Research. Emerald Insight , 20. Hugos, M. H. (2013). Essentials of Supply Chain Management. Barriely Publishers. Myerson, P. (2015). Lean Supply Chain and Logistics Management. Burglue: Herlad Publishers.
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